Devon to Worcestershire

Updated: Feb 13

I have finally managed to get some photos taken for another Blog, just one of our many recent moves. Over 135 miles away from Devon to Kiddeminster in Worcestershire, it took our usual three men and two vans a good full day. Sometimes its hard for the customer to get 100% organised but we do everything we can to help the day go more smoothly and do out best that were not working out of antisocial hours. I know when we have moved, we just want to be in and get the beds up and ready for a nice meal and take in the new environment.

Moving a three bedroom house, there was plenty of belongings to load, and using our protectors for sofas and armchairs are always an asset. These are so great, that not only does it make the item waterproof but so much easier to carry, with some extra protection.

The television is one of the most concerns for any customer, this we put into a padded carry cover to protect it on the load. All white goods from washing machines to fridges are also protected in padded covers.

Beds can be a bit troublesome as mattresses can dirty easily, snag and rip if not transported carefully. This is why we carry ours in waterproof carry bags to ensure that extra protection. There were a couple of items that needed flat packing, but this is no trouble as we always have a tool bag on the van to make this just that little more easier. You can't rely on the customer to have the tools as they have probably packed them away.

The weather was perfect, with the sunshine throughout the day giving us plenty of day light to 6 O'Clock. Just in time for us to make our way back to Devon.