I often ask myself this question. If I were looking for a Removals company what it is to maintain customer happiness and more importantly, wanting to use Afordable Services Removals. I try to continuously put myself in our customers shoes, as I personally think this is the best way to ensure we are meeting the high expectations that should be expected from ourselves.

I can only speak for myself, but if I were a customer I’d want:
• Honesty
• Communication
• Reliability
• Flexibility
• Competitive pricing for like for like quotes
Removals, Man and Van, today it seems many clients are happy to run through a list of companies trying to find the right fit. Why is this? For me it’s easy, the above 5 needs haven’t been met. It may seem demanding, but I think these expectations are the least a customer deserves, so we need to fulfil these needs every single day.

The Human Element
Most companies talk about themselves, and they should. They want to get across the ‘why choose us’ to their customers. But, if all we have are the ‘whys’ is that really a compelling enough reason to choose a Removals Service to move you or any other Service they may provide.
The human element is what is important to us as a family, and try to lead by example and to instil this behaviour. Over the past years something stuck with me, because if you remove a product or service, our ‘human’ needs are the most important things we concern ourselves with.

So, for me it comes down to making someone (a customer in this instance) feel valued and that we are here to help – we like to create a “we’re in this together” mentality. We try and do this by being honest and engaging. At Afordable Services we care for our clients… not just on their Service, but on a human level.

So, Why ‘Afordable Services’?
Well, I’d say we want to be better human beings first, and a Removals Company second. I know it sounds cheese, but if we care enough, the results always follow.
Lastly, this culture can’t be led by just myself, Tania and Leon are also like-minded to help to maintain this ethos throughout the team. I am most proud of the fact that each member of our family company is not only passionate and dedicated to their service, but they go that extra mile for each other and for our customers. Success is earned through hard work and giving a ‘damn’ – and the day we stop caring is the day we shouldn’t be doing what we do.